

Congrats, you received a grant! Let us take on the reporting so that you can focus on implementation.

With our grant reporting support, we help you think about how to collect and track data.

Our approach:

We take on everything related to grant reporting and oversee the entire project management so that your team can focus on making the program a success.

This work includes: 
  • Developing a logic model (if you do not have one)

  • Recommending data collection tools and platforms

  • Creating data collection protocols and templates

  • Training staff to be effective data collectors

  • Managing the reporting schedule, setting calendar reminders and overseeing data monitoring

  • Gathering and synthesizing narrative data to provide case studies that illustrate the findings

  • Aggregating and analyzing data for trends.

  • Aligning reporting with funder requirements

  • Submitting via funder data portals

  • Providing internal reports for organizational learning

Cost + timeline:

☝️Pricing and timeline vary widely and are dependent on the requirements and how much infrastructure for data collection already exists.